Tematec GmbH
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Product No. Fulltext

Infrared-thermometer ScanTemp 490

Infrared-thermometer ScanTemp 490


- Optical Resolution: 50:1
- Temperature range: -60°C...+1000°C (thermocouple input: -64...+1400°C)
- Display resolution: 0,1°C (above 200°C 1°C)
- Accuracy: ±2% or 2°C whichever is greater (thermocouple input: ±1% or 1°C whichever is greater)
- Spectral response: 6 - 14 µm
- Working temperature: 0...50°C
- Battery life: Typically 40 Hours operating time
- Battery: 2 x 1,5 volt AAA size
- Dimensions: 215 x 145 x 45 mm